TS Wisła Kraków SA

FAQ of the Final match #POGWIS

4 months ago | 29.04.2024, 19:50
FAQ of the Final match #POGWIS

Before the showdown in the Polish Cup, we've prepared a collection of essential information before the first whistle.

How to enter the PGE Narodowy?

Wisła Kraków fans holding a ticket that features their club's emblem can enter only through gate 10 from ul. Siwca. The stadium gates will be open to spectators from 10:00 am. Due to detailed anticipated checks, we encourage arriving as early as possible.

Can I change or return the ticket? 

Everyone who purchased a ticket at the POK or online doesn’t have an option to change the details. Changes can only be made by fans who bought tickets through the official PZPZ website. The ticket details change point is located in front of the PGE Narodowy.

What to bring to the match?

Before leaving home, make sure that you bring your ticket and wear your team's colours, along with a document confirming your identity.

What if I'm driving to the match?

For safety reasons, White Star fans travelling by car should enter Warsaw from the south via the S7 expressway. The parking dedicated to Wisła Kraków fans at PGE Narodowy can only be accessed from ul. Sokolej.

What documents do I have to have with myself?

Before entering the stadium, you must present a document confirming your identity (ID card, passport, driver's license, student ID).

Does a ticket purchased at the POK ticket office allow me to enter the stadium in Warsaw?

No, a ticket purchased at the POK ticket office or online at bilety.wislakrakow.com does not entitle you to enter the PGE Narodowy. To pass through the gates and access the stadium, you must go to the POK and collect the match package containing the ticket and match gadgets.

What colours are mandatory at the #POGWIS match?

The answer is simple! We all meet in red!

From what time can I enter the stadium?

Gates for fans seated in the cheering sections G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, G13, G14, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 will open at 10:00 am;

Gates for all other fans will open at 2:00 pm.
