TS Wisła Kraków SA

Contact details


Phone: +48 12 630 76 00
Fax: +48 12 630 76 91
Email: [email protected]

Official Fanshop and Ticketing:

Ticket Information: [email protected] | +48 789-406-375
Official Fanshop: [email protected] | +48 789-406-367

Organizational Structure:

Football Academy: [email protected]
Wisła Business: [email protected] | +48 733 380 150
Hospitality Department: [email protected] | +48 789 406 372
Sports Department: [email protected]
Marketing Department: [email protected] | +48 733 660 580
Sponsorship and Advertising: [email protected] +48 | 733 380 150
Press Officer - Karolina Kawula: [email protected] | +48 789 406 365
Official Website Editorial Team: [email protected]
Data Protection: [email protected]
Child Safety Coordinator: [email protected] | +48 501 163 806

Company Details:

Tax Identification Number (NIP): 6771022149
Statistical Number (REGON): 350908122
National Court Register (KRS): 0000130748


ul. Reymonta 20
30-059 Kraków, Poland

Training Facility in Myślenice:

ul. Zdrojowa 9
32-400 Myślenice, Poland