TS Wisła Kraków SA


Wisła Kraków SA in cooperation with the "Otwarte Ramię Białej Gwiazdy" Foundation (FORBG) invites fans with disabilities to attend matches at the stadium on Reymonta Street! 

FORBG representatives would like to remind all disabled fans that the deadline for ticket requests is three days before the match by 8:00 p.m. Requests submitted after the deadline will not be considered. As before, requests are accepted by FORBG representatives by email to [email protected] or by text message to +48 880 522 977. 

The number of seats is limited. The tickets will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Disabled people who are not under the Foundation's care but who also would like to watch games at R22 are invited to visit www.forbg.vot.pl for details on tickets for the White Star matches. 

Please also visit the Foundation's Facebook and Twitter accounts.