TS Wisła Kraków SA

Krzysztof Kołaczyk departs from Wisła Kraków

4 months ago | 23.09.2024, 13:20
Krzysztof Kołaczyk departs from Wisła Kraków

After four years, Krzysztof Kołaczyk is no longer a Director of Academia Piłkarska Wisły Kraków. The decision was made by the club.

The club has decided to change  Krzysztof Kołaczyk joined Wisła Kraków in February 2022 when he was entrusted with the role of Plenipotentiary of Wisła Kraków SA for the Academy. In the following months, the decision was made to hand over the management of the Academy to him, which he oversaw in the role of Director.

Thank you for your effort!
